Standing over the body of my lifeless father, who was murdered in cold blood by the hands of the devil, reincarnated into an otherwise innocent soul. Dead, yet a walking tank of supernatural capabilities. A weapon that not even I was able to foresee, before actually witnessing this atrocity myself. If not for my slow and unprofessional reactions, I may have been able to save my father, yet I was unable to alter the path of my own future. Of my fathers death. I tried to correct my past, or in the case of myself and the abilities I hold, my future. I tried to withstand the brutal force of the devils supernatural attacks, and although I managed to successfully murder the purest of evil creations using nothing more than my weaponless hands, my untimely reactions resulted in the death of the person who told me who and what I was. My father. The father of all, God himself. And now my father is dead. His hair clamped together by his heavenly blood. His eyes staring lifelessly into the air around him. I felt a tear run down the face of humanity. The consequences of a world without a registered God are great, and cannot be ignored. This world is soon to be demolished, unless another God were to take my fathers place. I would be unable to take the place of my father, as I am nothing more than an angel. The head angel, but an angel nonetheless. I was created with the purpose to guide and direct, not to rule a kingdom for which I did not create. The devil may be dead, but his army is soon to realize his absence. Every demon in Hell will soon feast upon the living, and every angel in Heaven will soon try to stop them. The ultimate war between good and evil, where the only losing side will be that of the Earth. Nothing will be able to survive this war. No person, no animal, not even the ground we walk on will be capable of withstanding the massive supernatural capabilities of which both armies contain. It would be an Armageddon. An armageddon of which I feel responsible to stop, for I was the one who murdered the devil. I was the one who let my father die. If not for my actions, both my father and the devil would remain alive. Instead, the leaders of the two largest armies to ever exist on this Earth are dead, and I am to blame. I am now public enemy number one, as the humans call it. And with that, our story shall begin.