Magnetism is a natural force within the universe, separate from gravity, though in a similar category. Magnetism has both a negative and a positive value, or so we currently believe. But what if magnetism acts as a single force, and that this ability to push or pull depending on side is nothing but a single positive? What if, like gravity, there is a true anti or negative magnetic force that’s the opposite of the currently known two poles? Could such a force exist, and if so, what properties would it hold? Something like a double negative or a double positive applied on top of the current neg/pos understanding? Or perhaps we’re being too linear, and should look at this from a new perspective? What if magnetism in its current understanding is one part to an otherwise larger double force? An opposite of similarities mirroring what we now believe is already an opposite?

To form an analogy of what I believe magnetism truly is, let’s pretend that magnetism is like a straight road. One end of the road is full of rows upon rows of little red houses, while the other end has rows of large green apartment complexes. If you were to travel a linear path from one end of the road to the other, you would see what at first glance appears to be opposites. One’s red, one’s green. One’s large, one’s small. Thinking of this as being a two way force would be wrong, because what happens if there’s another road, leading to another supposed opposite? A dark to the currently known light charge? Magnetism as a force exhibits false opposites to represent a single natural force. These opposites are mere ends of the same linear path, and are not true opposites of each other, but rather they’re directly connected to the main force to behave as one.

If a negative magnetic force were to exist, it would exhibit entirely different traits to the current negative and positive. So my question is, what is the true opposite to magnetism, and how can this opposite force be observed, assuming it exists?

While I admit to potentially being wrong with my hypothesis, I stand by it until we prove that a true negative is false. That the current is accurate. But until then, I just don’t believe that our current understanding as to what magnetism as a force truly is. That we’re missing a large part to this force, and that understanding it is the key to new scientific discoveries and human technology.