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Twelve o’Clock

"Where did... What just happened?" 
I looked around to study the room, and to my surprise, I was sitting at my desk in Ms. Applebees classroom. The room was dark, except for a fine streak of moonlight that shone in through the windows. 

Scared, I stumbled out of my desk and across the room to the door. 
The door opened with a deathly creek, and I slowly and cautiously entered the hallway. 
The hallway, without any windows, was nearly pitch black, and I was forced to use my memory to navigate the halls, as I've walked these halls countless times before. Although, it was always in the day, and there were always other kids around. Something about an empty school just seems eerie. 


Daylight seeped into my unopened eyes, followed by the smell of burning wood flowing through my.... No, that's not... It's a fire! There's a fire just inches away from my face! How is... 


"Katie? Are you..."