Rogue Legacy Giveaway Winner [May 2015]
Congratulations to Tyler on winning a totally free and awesome copy of Rogue Legacy via Steam, provided by Cellar Door Games! I hope you enjoy…
Five Nights at Freddy’s Giveaway Winner [April 2015]
Congratulations to stelian for winning the complete Five Nights at Freddy’s series via Ty’s Blog! I’ve sent you a friend request on Steam. Once accepted, I’ll be…
DayZ Giveaway Winner [August 2014 Giveaway]
Alright, so here’s the deal. I couldn’t afford to purchase the game, so instead, I’m giving away a free copy of…. Kidding. I’d never…
Spintires Giveaway Winner [July 2014 Giveaway]
Oops! I’m a tad late to announce the winner this time around, and I apologize for that! I’ve been busy, killing cats and eating bubblegum.…
The Forest Giveaway Winner [June2014 Giveaway]
Hey guys, sorry for the delay in posting this update. I’ve been a tad busy. 🙁 Anyways, congratulations to Ryan for winning the Ty’s Blog June…
Goat Simulator – New Winner [May 2014 Giveaway]
Unfortunately, the original Goat Simulator winner was unavailable to accept his prize, and didn’t seem to be very interested in getting in contact with me.…
DayZ Giveaway Winner [April]
Apologies for the delay, guys! The most recent WordPress update really screwed up my blog, and I’ve been trying to perform some maintenance to get…
Rust Giveaway Winner [March]
[laborator_supercaption el_position="first"] Robert James Cross [/laborator_supercaption] Congratulations Robert James Cross, you've just won yourself a free copy of Rust, courtesy of Ty's Blog! Thanks to…